Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™

Educational Grants supported in part by:
& Brian Kelly

Presenter Info

General Info

MSACL Logo Images for placing on your poster (LINK).

Unless otherwise specified, ALL presenters, including podium presenters, are responsible for covering their costs to attend and present at the conference.

Conference Registration is Online.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Chris Herold at

Podium Presenter Info


  1. Podium presentations may include corporate OR academic logo(s) on TWO SLIDES ONLY. The Introduction slide, and the Acknowledgement slide.
  2. Meeting registration is not complimentary.
  3. All speakers must self-register online. See Conference Registration.
  4. Session Chairs: If an individual is unable to present or does not show, the presentation time slot will be left open. It will NOT be filled by the next speaker. The next speaker will begin presenting at his/her scheduled time.
  5. Speakers: Please make an effort to repeat any questions from the audience back to the audience before answering in case other audience members were unable to hear the question asked.
  6. Podium presentations are 17 minutes with 3 minutes for Q&A. Total Time is 20 minutes.
  7. Laptops running Windows 10 and Office 365 will be provided. PowerPoint and Adobe Reader will be available on all presentation computers.
  8. Presenters should check-in 15 minutes prior to the start of their SESSION (not their talk) with either the Session Chair or AV Support on-hand to upload their presentation files to the primary presentation computer.
  9. Presenters MUST bring their presentations on thumb (USB) drives for placement on a single presentation computer from which all presenters will access their PowerPoint presentations. If you are running on a Mac please verify that your presentation will function on a PC running Windows with Office 365.
  10. Green laser pointers will be provided.

Poster Presenter Info

  1. Poster dimensions (for each presenter) are 42 x 42 inches at MAXIMIUM; they can be smaller.
  2. Posters will be attended for 1 hr on either Wednesday or Thursday, but they should remain posted from Tue-Thu.
    • Posters should be PLACED on Tuesday between 1100-1600.
    • Posters should be REMOVED on Thursday between 1400-1600. You can store your poster at the Reg Desk, if needed, until 2000.
  3. You will select, or be assigned, a day/time for 1 hour on which to ATTEND your poster.
  4. Poster Boards will be SHARED by two presenters
    • Available poster space (for each presenter) is 42 x 42 inches.
    • Poster Pins WILL BE provided.
    • Poster Boards are Fabric.
  5. Conference Registration is REQUIRED.
    • If you have not registered by
      Notice: Undefined variable: registration_deadline_HOLD in /home/msacl0017/public_html/include/webpage_structure/include_subtab_content_nextgen.php(1170) : eval()'d code(88) : eval()'d code on line 20
      March 4 your poster may be removed from the program.

Sharing Your Poster

You may upload your poster (after it has been accepted and you have confirmed to present) as a PDF file via Manage Abstract. Once your poster is uploaded, a link to download the poster will appear next you your abstract in the online program.

Providing a Recorded Audio Summary

You may upload a short audio file (after your abstract has been accepted and you have confirmed to present) as an MP3 file via Manage Abstract. Once uploaded, a link to listen to the audio file will appear next you your abstract in the online program. The intention is that presenters provide 1-5 minutes of a short summary of the word so that even if the poster is not attended, viewers will be able to hear a lead-in summary from the author.

Emergency Printing in Monterey

If you realize that you forgot or lost your poster once you arrive onsite, you can get your posters printed at:

MinuteMan Press
201 Foam St, Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 373-1822

42x42" will be about $115. 24-hr turnaround time. It is possible to have it delivered.